The growing popularity of a ‘curated lifestyle’

A curated lifestyle is a way of living that involves a thoughtful curation and selection of possessions, experiences, relationships and people in one’s life. It mixes functional design, aesthetics and beauty, organization, individuality and flexibility.

This article explores how more properties are prioritizing quality over quantity, health and wellness, safety and security and to create custom-tailored lifestyles. Kellie Speakman, Senior Vice President, Residential, for DBS Developments, who oversees designing resident experiences at 2Fifteen, a new luxury rental in Forest Hill says they focus on offering a wide selection of programs so residents can pick and choose based on their own interests and schedule. “We offer the same services and programs that you would expect in a luxury hotel, but more curated to [the residents], what they would actually need, all in a building that has a very boutique feeling,” Speakman says. “It’s less transactional and more experiential for the resident here.”

Read the full article on The Globe and Mail’s website:

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